Hi, * Fixed a problem with a mutex deadlock OCR functions cleaning up on server scripts. * Fixed a problem with XML.GetPathValue function crashing with name spaces, broken in 15.0. * Fixed a problem with our Audit Cache not finding a table because the query was case sensitive. * Removed old tesseract 3 from the Linux plugin as it conflicted with tesseract 5 and we could not have both together. * Updated SQLite to version 3.49.1. * Added timeout parameter to ImageCapture.RequestScan function. * Added SendMail.GetUse8BitMime and SendMail.SetUse8BitMime functions. * Added SendMail.GetUseSSL and SendMail.SetUseSSL functions. * Improved auto complete for custom functions to show parameters when you type on end of line. * Added preferences option to toggle whether auto complete for custom functions shows parameters. * Added SyntaxColoring.AutoCompleteCustomFunctionsParameters.GetEnabled and SyntaxColoring.AutoCompleteCustomFunctionsParameters.SetEnabled functions. Best regards, Christian -- Read our blog about news on our plugins: http://www.mbsplugins.de/
participants (1)
Christian Schmitz