
I've been using AuthorizationMBS with success in some areas, but I've noticed that a command I'm running doesn't run.

Code is similar to this:

dim a as new authorizationMBS
if a.SimpleNewAuthorization then
  if a.lasterror<>0 then break
end if

Although there's no error shown, the service does not stop.

This works from the terminal:

sudo launchctl unload Library/LaunchDaemons/com.bodoni.server.plist

I can't see anything in the console log that might suggest what's wrong.

This is from the console log.

AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges and AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivilegesExternalForm are deprecated and functionality will be removed soon - please update your application

I've tried a couple of variations, with and without /bin in the path and various launchctl subcommands such as disable, kill.

